Module 6 Premises Security and Access Control

The accreditation criterion, “Premises Security and Access Control”, aims to ensure the security of premises and prevent unauthorized entry. A company shall have security procedures and install security devices to safeguard its premises such as offices, warehouses, customer service centres, etc.

The company should demarcate its premises into different control zones such as the reception area, cargo processing area and storage area, and ensure that main entrances and exits, external and internal windows and doors are secured with locking devices or other control measures. Security guard stations, facial recognition systems, and infrared security systems are some of the examples.

The company shall provide adequate lighting in its premises including the exterior and interior perimeters, especially at the entrances and exits, cargo processing and storage areas. Backup power generators or backup lighting systems should also be installed for emergencies. To prevent unauthorized entry, the company shall install appropriate CCTV monitoring systems, anti-theft alarms or hire security guards to patrol the areas.

The company shall also lay down security procedures for its premises. For examples, employees are required to wear staff cards or uniforms, vehicles and persons entering or exiting the premises shall be properly monitored and controlled, and the times of entry and exit, the identity of the visiting person, the identity of the driver, the registration number of the visiting vehicle and the identity of the escorting staff shall be recorded.

Relevant procedures for the storage, issue and return of access control devices such as keys, access cards, staff cards, uniforms, fingerprint records, etc., shall be laid down. And a reporting and investigation mechanism shall be in place for handling loss of keys and cards, their malfunctions or irregularities.

To ensure the various security measures and procedures are thoroughly executed, the company shall inspect, maintain and repair security systems or devices such as door locks, windows, lighting fixtures, and CCTV monitoring systems on regular intervals. Suitable training on these security policies shall also be provided for all relevant staff.
