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Dec 2022 Vol. 66
Dec 2022 Vol. 66
Services & Facilitation

Hong Kong AEO Programme Celebrates 10th Anniversary Milestone - Bringing In & Going Global - Impetus for Hong Kong's Economy

Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) held the Hong Kong Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Programme 10th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony at the Customs Headquarters Building on 29 November 2022. The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, was invited to be the principal guest to officiate at the ceremony with the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Ho Pui-shan, and other distinguished guests.

Since the implementation of the Hong Kong AEO Programme in 2012, the number of accredited enterprises has now risen to about 80. C&ED held the 10th anniversary ceremony with "Bringing In & Going Global - Impetus for Hong Kong's Economy" as the theme in response to President Xi Jinping’s proposal for Hong Kong to “create strong impetus for growth”. The theme also defines the future development strategy of the Hong Kong AEO Programme.

To implement the measure to enhance efficiency and strengthen Hong Kong's status as an international trade center stated in the 2022 Policy Address, a memorandum of understanding between Hong Kong Customs and the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China was signed at the ceremony to enhance AEO co-operation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It aims to facilitate trade between Hong Kong and the Mainland and further promote corporate compliance management to enterprises in the two places. In addition, Hong Kong and Indonesia Customs exchanged a signed AEO Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) at the ceremony, which was the 13th MRA ratified by Hong Kong with other Customs administrations.

With different new co-operative arrangements in place, Hong Kong AEOs enjoy more prominent advantages such as speedy customs clearance privileges and accredited status. It helps them seize the opportunities brought by the unique role of Hong Kong, a two-way investment platform bridging the Mainland and the world.

About 200 guests,including consuls and customs attachés, as well as representatives from Hong Kong AEO, trade associations and stakeholders in the private sector, attended the ceremony.

香港海關關長何珮珊 (右) 與印尼駐港總領事Ricky Suhendar (左) 交換香港與印尼AEO互認安排簽署文本。 The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Ho Pui-shan (right), and the Consul General of Indonesia in Hong Kong, Mr Ricky Suhendar (left), exchange the signed documents of the Hong Kong-Indonesia Authorized Economic Operator MPA.

商務及經濟發展局局長丘應樺(左三)擔任主禮嘉賓,與海關關長何珮珊(右三)和部門首長級官員一同主持慶祝儀式。 The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau (third left), officiates at the ceremony with the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Ho Pui-shan (third right), and the department's directorate officers.

商務及經濟發展局局長丘應樺 (左) 與海關關長何珮珊 (右) 及其他主要嘉賓經過「十周年時光隧道」進場。 The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau (left), together with the Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Ho Pui-shan (right), and other distinguished guests march into the venue through the “10th Anniversary Tunnel”.

商務及經濟發展局局長丘應樺在典禮致辭中,讚揚「香港認可經濟營運商計劃」推行十載的發展和成就。 Speaking at the ceremony, the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, expresses appreciation for the Hong Kong AEO Programme’s development and achievement since its implementation a decade ago.

香港海關關長何珮珊(前排)與國家海關總署企業管理及稽查司司長王勝(螢幕上)簽署內地海關與香港海關關於深化粵港澳大灣區「認可經濟營運商計劃」合作備忘錄。簽署儀式在商務及經濟發展局局長丘應樺(後排左)和中聯辦經濟部副部長兼貿易處負責人劉亞軍(後排右)的見證下以視像形式舉行。 The Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Ms Ho Pui-shan (front row), and the Director General of the Department of Enterprise Management and Audited-based Control of General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China, Mr Wang Sheng (on screen), sign a memorandum of understanding between Hong Kong Customs and the Mainland Customs on enhancing AEO co-operation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Witnessed by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau (back row, left), and Deputy Director-General of the Economic Affairs Department and Head of the Commercial Office of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Mr Liu Yajun (back row, right), the signing ceremony is conducted through videoconferencing.