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Dec 2022 Vol. 66
Dec 2022 Vol. 66
Consumer Protection

Be Alert to Unfair Trade Practices in Renovation Services

如何避免裝修消費陷阱 The Head of Unfair Trade Practice Investigation Group, Ms.Yili Chiang (third left) led Customs officers to distribute pamphlets, reminding members of the public about consumer pitfalls.

To earnestly address people’s concerns and difficulties in daily life, the Customs proactively works on publicity and education to remind members of the public about common unfair trade practices in renovation services, and remind traders to comply with the Trade Descriptions Ordinance. Promotional video and comics were published via the official social media accounts of Hong Kong Customs. At the same time, publicity campaigns were conducted at newly built public housing estates. The publicity and education work were well received by the public.

屋企裝修有咩要注意 Ninja-Zero-Tolerance provides tips and key points on procurement of renovation services.

打擊不良營商‧排解民生憂難 To reveal common unfair trade practices in renovation services via the social media accounts of Hong Kong Customs.