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Dec 2022 Vol. 66
Dec 2022 Vol. 66
Integrity & Health

ICAC Thematic Talk

An ICAC thematic talk on "Integrity Management and Ethical Leadership" was held on 8 November 2022. Mr.YAU Shu-chun, Deputy Commissioner and Head of Operations of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, was invited as the guest speaker to share and exchange with middle and senior management of the C&ED.

To combat corruption, Mr. YAU stated that effective legislation on prevention of bribery, comprehensive protection for whistleblowers and concrete investigation powers for law enforcement agencies are crucial. Yet, he believed that the most effective way to eradicate corruption was to cultivate overall integrity culture, and to enhance and strengthen staff's awareness of integrity and conduct.

二○二二年十一月八日,部門邀請到廉政公署副廉政專員兼執行處首長丘樹春與一眾海關同事分享他對「誠信領導及管理」方面的寶貴經驗及見解。 On 8 November 2022, Deputy Commissioner and Head of Operations of the ICAC, Mr Yau Shu-chun, shared his valuable experience and insights on "Integrity Management and Ethical Leadership" with Customs colleagues.